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美['præktɪs]  英['præktɪs]
n.  练习;实行;习惯;业务
v.  练习;实践;开业;执业
  名词:practicer  过去式:practiced  过去分词:practiced  现在分词:practicing  第三人称单数:practices


  1. 练习,实习,学习
  2. 实践,实行,实施
  3. 习惯,惯例,常规
  4. 业务,工作
  5. 实际
  6. 营业,开业
  7. 【律】诉讼手续
  8. 实用
  9. 老练,熟练
  10. 主顾
  11. 习俗
  1. 训练,锻炼,练习
  2. (经)常做,惯做,惯常地进行
  3. 开业,从事
  4. 实践,实行
  5. 实习
  6. 追随
  7. 策划阴谋,诈骗


  1. [U]练习,实习 regular or repeated performance or exercise in order to learn to do sth well
  2. [U]实践,实际 the actual doing of sth (rather than the idea of it)
  3. [C]业务 the business of a doctor or lawyer
  4. [U][C]惯例,常规 a repeated, habitual, or standard act or course of action


  1. a customary way of operation or behavior;

    "it is their practice to give annual raises" "they changed their dietary pattern"

  2. systematic training by multiple repetitions;

    "practice makes perfect"

  3. translating an idea into action;

    "a hard theory to put into practice" "differences between theory and praxis of communism"

  4. the exercise of a profession;

    "the practice of the law" "I took over his practice when he retired"

  5. knowledge of how something is usually done;

    "it is not the local practice to wear shorts to dinner"

  1. carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions;

    "practice law"

  2. learn by repetition;

    "We drilled French verbs every day" "Pianists practice scales"

  3. engage in a rehearsal (of)
  4. avail oneself to;

    "apply a principle" "practice a religion" "use care when going down the stairs" "use your common sense" "practice non-violent resistance"

  5. engage in or perform;

    "practice safe sex" "commit a random act of kindness"


  1. begin practice开始训练
  2. bring into practice使…付诸实践
  3. carry into practice使…付诸实践
  4. carry on practice继续训练
  5. continue practice继续训练
  6. do practice进行练习
  7. have practice操练
  8. keep in practice经常操练
  9. keep on practice坚持训练
  10. make practice of经常进行,养成…的习惯,常以…为手段
  11. neglect practice忽视训练
  12. put into practice把…付诸实践
  13. put idea into practice把想法付诸实践
  14. put theory into practice把理论付诸实践
  15. require practice需要练习
  16. begin practice of law律师开业
  17. enter practice of law律师开业
  18. establish practice开业
  19. forbid practice禁止营业
  20. set up practice开业
  21. follow practice of根据…的习惯
  22. stamp out practice杜绝习俗,消除习俗
  1. actual practice实际实行,实际应用
  2. constant practice经常不断的练习
  3. enough practice足够的练习
  4. professional practice职业训练,职业事务,专业活动
  5. social practice社会实践
  6. accepted practice普遍接受的习惯做法
  7. bad practice坏习俗,坏作风
  8. behind-the-scenes practice幕后的活动
  9. common practice通常的做法,常规,惯例
  10. corrupt practices腐败行径
  11. daily practice日常习俗
  12. dishonest practice不诚实的行为
  13. disreputable practice不体面的行为
  14. evil practice恶习
  15. fair-trade practices〈美〉贸易互惠的做法
  16. fraudulent practice欺诈行为
  17. good practice很好的练习,好的习惯〔做法、作风〕
  18. habitual practice惯用手法
  19. international practice国际惯例
  20. local practice地方风俗
  21. long practice长期练习
  22. old practices老一套
  23. recognized practice公认的惯例
  24. regular practice习惯做法,惯例
  25. sharp practice不正当〔不择手段〕的行为
  26. standard practice标准做法
  27. traditional practice传统做法
  28. unfair practice不公正的行为
  29. universal practice普遍的做法,普遍情况
  30. usual practice通常的做法,常规,惯例
  31. wide-spread practice广为流传的做法
  32. large practice很大的业务
  33. legal practice律师业务
  34. medical practice医生业务
  35. private practice私人业务
  36. small practice很小的业务
  1. classroom practice课堂操练
  2. football practice足球训练
  3. nursing practice护理业务
  4. target practice射击训练
  5. teaching practice教学实习
  6. war-time practice战时做法
  1. according to practice按照惯例
  2. beyond sb's practice不属于某人的营业范围
  3. by practice通过训练
  4. in practice实际上,在实践中,事实上
  5. out of practice久不练习,荒疏
  6. with practice通过训练
  7. without practice未曾操练
  1. practice at练习做…
  2. practice at tying knots练习打结
  3. practice at war模拟战
  4. practice in练习做…
  5. practice in music练习音乐
  6. practice in speaking English练习讲英语
  7. practice of rising early早起的习惯


  1. Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
  2. We must put our plans into practice.我们必须将计划付诸实行。
  3. You should make a practice of being on time for work.你应该养成准时上班的习惯。
  4. I have a culture and art practice in my company.我公司开办一项文化和艺术业务。


    practice的基本意思是“练习,实习”,指为了求得完善或达到熟练而有规则地反复地做某事,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。practice作“实践,实际”解时是不可数名词。 practice作“业务”解时,一般指医生或律师所从事的职业,是可数名词。 practice还可作“惯例,常规”解,指对某件事情一向的看法,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。 在it is a...practice to- v 的结构中,不定冠词a有时可省略。